Vicente Ferrer
Vicente Ferrer Synopsis “Vicente Ferrer” is a TV movie that tells part of the life of a man who chose the action as a method to change the world. His determination restored dignity
Vicente Ferrer Synopsis “Vicente Ferrer” is a TV movie that tells part of the life of a man who chose the action as a method to change the world. His determination restored dignity
Pasionaria Synopsis "Pasionaria" tells the story of a girl of 17 years than in the last years of Franco has to consider her future as a woman and make a difficult decision that
Henry VI Synopsis European co-production that revolves around the figure of Henry IV of France and III of Navarre (1503-1555). Enrique would be known as 'the good king' of France, a young
Salvador (Puig Antich) Synopsis On March 2, 1974, the young anarchist militant Iberian Liberation Movement, Salvador Puig Antich, became the last political prisoner executed in Spain by "garrote". This is his