Aida Folch on the red carpet | Lifestyle magazine – LA RAZÓN The actress Aida Folch, born in Reus (Tarragona), reveals to Lifestyle her charms as a model and queen of the red carpet. – Download the PDF by clicking on the image Tags: 2013 @en @esActress @en @esAida folch @en @esBeauty @en @escharm @esCinema @en @esdownload @eselegance @esfashion @esFolch @en @esfree @esfree download @esfreshness @esinterviewla razón @en @eslifestyle @en @esmagazine @en @esmaking of @en @esmaking off @en @esmoments @espdf @es @enpersonality @esphoto @esphoto shoot @esphotos @esprofessionalism @esred carpetshooting @en @esSpanish Cinema @esstyling @estalent @es
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