Vicente Ferrer
Vicente Ferrer Synopsis “Vicente Ferrer” is a TV movie that tells part of the life of a man who chose the action as a method to change the world. His determination restored dignity
Vicente Ferrer Synopsis “Vicente Ferrer” is a TV movie that tells part of the life of a man who chose the action as a method to change the world. His determination restored dignity
Morir en 3 actes Synopsis Alfons tries to kill her cat giving it poisoned milk, but things go wrong when his wife and his best friend accidentally drink it. Photos < Back to Filmography
No estás sola, Sara Synopsis Sara (Amaia Salamanca) attending the final session of psychological therapy organized for a group of physically and psychologically abused women. Finally, after years of therapy, get verbalize
Con el 10 en la espalda Synopsis Carlos (Fernando Guillén Cuervo) and Rita (Cristina Plazas) were separated following the death of his son Santi, a young man who was a promise of